These features available on All Plans
The Campaign Builder is where campaigns are built, designed, and tested. When you create a new campaign, you’ll be taken directly to the Builder after selecting a template.
Getting There
To open an existing campaign in the Campaign Builder:
- Click on the campaign name from the Home Page or the Campaigns Manager.
Features of the Campaign Builder
Builder Panels
The Campaign Builder consists of four key panels:
Add Widgets Panel
- Contains all available widgets.
- Add a widget by clicking its icon or dragging it into the campaign preview area.
Edit Widgets Panel
- Displays all widgets added to your campaign.
- Features include:
- Rearrange widgets by dragging them up or down.
- Copy and paste widgets.
- Manage visibility settings.
- Access individual widget settings.
Style Panel
- Customize the design of your widgets, including:
- Background colors.
- Button styling.
- Fonts.
- For more information, see the Customizing Your Campaign With the Style Panel help doc.
- Customize the design of your widgets, including:
Publications Panel
- Appears when you publish your campaign.
- Contains campaign URL(s) and publication settings.
- By default, this panel is hidden; open it by clicking the blue banner icon at the top of the Builder.
Customizing Your Layout
The Campaign Builder’s layout can be adjusted to fit your preferences.
Toolbar Settings (Far Left)
- Auto Layout: Automatically positions all panels for optimal placement.
- Add Widgets Panel: Toggle the visibility of the Add Widgets Panel.
- Edit Widgets Panel: Toggle the visibility of the Edit Widgets Panel.
- Style Panel: Toggle the visibility of the Style Panel.
Note: With Auto Layout disabled, you can move panels anywhere on the page. Click and drag the top of a panel to reposition it.
The Builder Toolbar
The top toolbar contains several important controls:
- Access other ShortStack pages by clicking the three-line "hamburger" icon.
Campaign Name:
- Click the dropdown to:
- View campaign analytics.
- Duplicate the campaign.
- Create a template.
- Access recent campaigns.
- Start a new campaign.
- Click the dropdown to:
Campaign Settings:
- Access additional campaign options via the gear icon.
- Learn more in the Campaign Settings help doc.
Widget Editing Controls (Edit On/Edit Off):
- Toggle widget editing settings.
- When deselected, widgets cannot be edited in the preview area and must be edited via the Edit Widgets Panel.
Live/Test Entries:
- Choose whether the campaign displays live or test entries.
- Determines the type of entries submitted when testing the form in the Campaign Builder.
Mobile Preview:
- Hover over this icon to generate a QR code to preview your campaign on a mobile device.
- Important: This QR code links to the Builder version of the campaign and is not for promotional use.
Refresh Builder:
- Reset the campaign to its initial state, similar to refreshing a web browser.
- Useful after testing forms or actions.
- Hide all panels to view your campaign in preview mode.
Publish Campaign:
- Click this blue button to make your campaign live.
- Opens the Publications Panel, which includes publishing settings.
- Access the Campaign Builder tutorial, help documentation, help videos, or the support desk.
Manage Your Account:
- Access your account settings and profile via your profile picture.
- The dropdown also includes options for Light and Dark Builder modes to adjust the background colors of the Builder interface.