These features available on All Plans (except where noted)
The Campaign Settings menu allows you to adjust a campaign's HTML, sharing, embedding, and security settings.
Getting There
To access Campaign Settings:
- Open a campaign in the Campaign Builder.
- Click the Settings icon (gear icon) located on the top-left, next to the campaign name.
The Campaign Settings menu contains the following sections, accessible from the left-hand menu:
- General
- Security
1. General
Campaign Name
Enter the name of your campaign as it will appear in your ShortStack account.
Default Time Zone
Set the campaign's time zone. Best practice: use the time zone where most of your audience is located.
Default Builder Width (in pixels)
Set the width of the Campaign Builder preview (not the campaign itself). You can adjust the campaign's maximum width in the Theme section of the Style Panel.
Start in Live Entries Mode
Toggle to enable or disable starting in Live Entries Mode when the campaign is loaded.
Start in Edit Off Mode
Toggle to enable or disable starting in Edit Off Mode when the campaign is loaded.
Additional Subdomains
Enter additional subdomains (e.g., www
) for custom domains. This does not affect campaigns published on ShortStack domains. You must create a CNAME record in your DNS.
Bookmark/Favicon Image (32px x 32px)
Upload a small image to serve as the icon displayed on the browser tab and when bookmarking the campaign.
Page Title
Set the campaign's browser title, default bookmark name, and search engine result title.
Page Language
Select the campaign’s language using the dropdown (the default is English).
Page Language Direction
Specify text flow direction:
(left-to-right, default) -
(right-to-left) -
Fixed Navigation Bar Height
Add padding at the top of the campaign for embedded campaigns with fixed navigation bars to prevent content from being cut off.
Allow Crawlers to Index My Campaign
: Index both embeds and landing pages. -
: Prevent indexing for both.
Sharing Defaults
When your campaign is shared on social platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn, it uses Open Graph tags to include metadata:
- Title: Enter a title (default is the campaign name, max 255 characters).
- Description: Add a brief description (max 1000 characters).
- Image: Use a 1200x630px image for best results.
Tip: See the Share Widget help doc.
2. Security
Cloudflare Turnstile Mode
Prevent bots from entering your campaign. Options:
- Invisible (default): No user interaction required; best for embedded campaigns.
- Visible: Visitors may need to complete an interactive challenge; best for landing pages.
- Disable: Disables Cloudflare Turnstile (not recommended).
Enable for embedded campaigns by checking the Enable if my campaign is embedded box.
Note: Available on Pro Plan and higher.
Google reCaptcha
- Site Key: Enter your public reCaptcha key.
- Secret Key: Enter your private reCaptcha key.
Note: Available on Enterprise Plan and higher.
Rate Limiting
Set the number of entries allowed per IP address per minute (default is 20).
Referrer Blacklist
Block users from entering your campaign via specific domains (e.g., giveaway sites).
Embedding Whitelist
Restrict embedding to specific domains. Enter root domains only (e.g.,
). For multiple domains, separate with spaces.