This troubleshooting article deals with problems you may experience while publishing - or after publishing - a campaign that has integrated Facebook features to the web.
You Click Log In With Facebook and Nothing Happens
This can be caused by a firewall that is blocking the Facebook JavaScript SDK.
Diagnostic Step #1
- Click the following link to open the Facebook JavaScript SDK in a new browser window: https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js
- You should see a page full of compressed JavaScript code. If you don’t, you’re behind a firewall that is blocking the script. You need to consult with the person/company maintaining your local network to resolve the issue.
Other Solutions
- If you're using an ad-blocking plugin, make sure you whitelist ShortStack.com.
- Make sure you aren't blocking popups.
- Try authorizing ShortStack on Facebook from another browser. Once ShortStack is authorized you should be able to return to your original browser.
Log In With Facebook Button Keeps Appearing
If you log in to ShortStack with a username and password, you’ll be prompted to log in with Facebook (if you're not already logged in on another tab) when you click Publish Campaign. Logging in with Facebook is required so that ShortStack can perform actions on your behalf, like publish your campaign to a Facebook Page.
You click Log in with Facebook and the button reappears.
Diagnostic Step #1
Make sure you are logged in to a personal Facebook account and not a business account. To verify, log in to Facebook. If you see Create Your Profile in the blue menu at the top of the page, you’re logged in with a business account. You need to link your personal Facebook profile to ShortStack and add your profile as an admin of that Facebook Page in order to publish campaigns to it. See the Facebook Page Primer for more information.
Solution #1
- Log out of ShortStack, log back in, and try again.
Solution #2
- Follow the instructions at the bottom of this document to Deauthorize ShortStack.
- Log in to ShortStack and try to publish your campaign again.
Solution #3
- Try another browser or computer. It’s possible there is a problem with your browser or computer configuration. Use another browser and/or computer to verify.
List of Pages to Publish To Is Empty
When you click Publish Campaign in the Campaign Builder, during the Facebook publishing process you’re presented with a list of Facebook Pages you manage to which you can publish the campaign. Any Pages that have less than 2000 Likes will be greyed out - you can't publish to those, per Facebook's policy.
The Pages list is completely empty.
Diagnostic Step #1
Make sure you’re an admin of at least one Facebook Page.
Go to http://www.facebook.com/bookmarks/pages and make sure you see at least one Facebook Page listed under Pages.
If you don’t see anything, it means your personal profile is not an admin of any Facebook Pages. Please see the Facebook Page Primer for more information.
Diagnostic Step #2
Make sure you are logged in to a personal Facebook account and not a business account. To verify, log in to Facebook. If you see Create Your Profile in the blue menu at the top of the page, you’re logged in with a business account. You need to link your personal Facebook profile to ShortStack and add your profile as an admin of that Facebook Page in order to publish Campaigns to it. See the Facebook Page Primer for more information.
Solution #1
- Click Back, then Next again to refresh the list of Pages.
Solution #2
- Log out of ShortStack, log back in, and try again.
Solution #3
- Follow the instructions at the bottom of this doc to Deauthorize ShortStack.
- Log in to ShortStack and try to publish your campaign again. You’ll be prompted to grant permission to ShortStack as if you were a new user, but your published campaigns won’t be affected.
Page List is Missing One or More Pages
When you click Publish Campaign in the Campaign Builder, during the Facebook publishing process you’re presented with a list of Facebook Pages you manage to which you can publish the campaign. Any Pages that have less than 2000 Likes will be greyed out - you can't publish to those, per Facebook's policy.
The Pages list is missing some of your Facebook Pages - they're not greyed out, they're just missing entirely.
Diagnostic Step #1
Make sure you’re an admin of the Facebook Page.
Go to http://www.facebook.com/bookmarks/pages and make sure the Facebook Page you're trying to publish to is listed under Pages.
If you don’t see the Page you’re trying to publish to, it means your personal profile is not an admin of that Facebook Page. Please see the Facebook Page Primer for more information.
- Click Back, then Next again to refresh the list of Pages.
For performance reasons, we cache the list of Facebook Pages of which you're an admin. Any newly created Facebook Page - or one for which you were recently given admin privileges - will not show up until the cache is refreshed.
Unable to Publish Campaign Because of a Facebook Error
- Follow the instructions to Deauthorize ShortStack.
- Log in to ShortStack and try to publish your Campaign again.
Unable to Remove a Campaign Because of a Facebook Error
- Follow the instructions to Deauthorize ShortStack.
- Log in to ShortStack and try to publish your Campaign again.
Common Solution: Deauthorize ShortStack
The following procedure will remove the permissions you have granted to ShortStack. It does not affect your account or campaigns, but you will be prompted to grant permission to ShortStack again when you try to log in or publish a campaign.
Explanation: Facebook provides ShortStack with a unique token that allows us to do things on your behalf. That token may be invalid in some way, so this procedure forces Facebook to issue ShortStack a new token.
- Go to https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=business_tools&ref=settings
- Find ShortStack, click the checkbox to the right, and then click the Remove button to confirm.
- Log out of ShortStack.