This feature available on All Plans
Getting There
To downgrade or pause/delete your account, click on your name in the top-right corner of your Home page. Then click Account Summary from the dropdown.
- In the Summary tab, click on the Change Plan button in the Current Plan section.
- Toggle between Monthly or Annual using the links at the top of the popup.
- Scroll through the plans, and click the Select button of the plan to which you'd like to switch.
Note: If your plan is currently over any of the allowances for the lower plans, those options will be greyed out and not selectable. - Even if you have an account credit from being on a more expensive plan, you'll still be required to do this next step as a method of verification. Your credit card information should still be on file (or you can change it here if you need to) - just check the box, and then click the blue Upgrade Account button. At that point, you're done!
Starting at the end of your current billing cycle, you can pause your account for up to 3 months at a time. Your campaigns and data will be safe and secure until your account is automatically reactivated, or you can come back any time before then and reactivate it manually. Before you pause, please note that:
- Your account will automatically reactivate (and resume billing) when your pause is over.
- There is no way to extend a pause past 3 months. You can re-pause your account, but we do require a minimum of one month's paid subscription between pauses to account for content storage.
- While your account is paused, live campaigns will display a message that says "Currently Unavailable." New list entries will not be collected. To prevent this, unpublish any live campaigns before pausing your account.
- Your entries and lists continue to be stored but are not accessible while your account is paused.
- You won't have access to your campaigns while your account is paused.
- You may reactivate your account at any time - after which point you will have immediate access to everything in your account. Billing will resume immediately upon reactivation.
- Campaigns, lists, and other assets created from your account won't be available to you or any of your team members until you reactivate your account.
- Your account will remain accessible until the end of your current billing cycle. Your pause will begin at the end of your current billing cycle.
To Pause your account:
- In the Summary tab of the Account Summary screen, click on the Pause or Delete Account link at the bottom of the Current Plan section.
Note: If the link reads Delete Account instead, your account is either on an Annual Plan or carrying an overdue billing amount and is not eligible for pausing. - A pop-up will appear asking if you'd like to pause. Click Yes, show me my pause options.
- You'll now have the option of choosing the duration of your pause. Click the radio button next to the # of months for which you'd like to pause, then click the Confirm Pause button to lock in your selection.
- You will then see information at the top of your screen letting you know when the pause will occur, along with a pink button that allows you to cancel the pause if needed. At the end of your pause, the account will automatically resume billing using your current plan.
Deleting Your Account
Deleting your account is a permanent procedure. Once you delete your account, it cannot be restored. If you're absolutely certain you want to permanently delete your account, please keep in mind:
- All live campaigns should be unpublished prior to deleting. Once your account is deleted you won't be able to access your campaigns, even to uninstall/unpublish them. Campaigns associated with deleted accounts may display promotional messaging, similar to this:
- Your entries, list data, and analytics will be deleted. For this reason, we suggest exporting any lists before deleting your account.
- Team members will lose access to any assets owned by your account. This includes but is not limited to: campaigns, lists, and any files uploaded to the Media Manager.
- You will no longer have access to your statements, nor will a final one be emailed to you. Make sure to download/print any statements before deleting the account.
To Delete your account:
- In the Summary tab of the Account Summary screen, click on the Pause or Delete Account link in the Current Plan section.
Note: If you're on a free trial, an Annual Plan, or carrying an overdue billing amount; the link will read Delete Account instead. - In the popup that appears, click on No, I prefer to delete my account.
- Select your main reason for deleting your account by clicking the radio button next to the most accurate reason. Then, click Continue.
- To finish deleting the account, provide us with some additional info as to your reason for deletion by typing it into the text area. Then, type DELETE ACCOUNT into the provided field, and click the red Confirm button.
- At that point, your account will be deleted and you'll be redirected to the login screen of ShortStack. You should notice that if you try to log in, you will be unable to with your previous credentials.